For many, home symbolizes a sacred place, a location where highly meaningful relationships take place. Today, however, the world is on the move. In these times of intensified movements of people across the globe, transnational lives lived moving from place to place, and virtual locales, the meanings of home may need to be reworked. For instance, home can be seen as multidimensional including spatial, temporal, material and relational expressions.

This group will focus on the concept of home in contemporary times and its implications for different groups of people, e.g., refugees. We will also consider what a postmodern perspective of concepts like home, place and space might look like. How might this perspective enrich our understandings and practices, especially with displaced “others?” Symbolically, how do we individually work out our relationships with shifting people and places? Can we find inspiration and transcendence above physical limitations through the arts? These are some of the issues and questions that members of this group will discuss.

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