The last decade has seen a burgeoning interest in neuroscience (neurobiology, brain research) and a brain-based understanding of human behavior. Not surprisingly, social work publications increasingly reflect this interest. Depending on one’s standpoint and beliefs, there may be good reasons to support or critique this development. For many social constructionist and postmodern scholars, the authority of these approaches and their unexamined assumptions, omissions, and potential implications are important topics for dialogue. For example, Ken Gergen (2010) argues that this movement
reduces interest in socio-cultural processes and lends itself to a naturalization of the DSM categories and to the rapid expansion of psychopharmaceutical cures for human problems (797).Participants in this group will explore this issue including how social constructionist/postmodern perspectives can provide alternative understandings. Finally, what can those of us who hold alternative positions do to have an impact on how social workers take up these ideas?

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